false/ phantom pregnancy (pseudopregnancy) in female dogs

Hi, my dog has had some strange symptomps recently and I had no idea what could it be. She has not been spayed yet. I was waiting to do this, not really realizing what the consequences might be. She is now taking medicine. I post the pics below. After we finish the bottle of this medicine we will have a control visit and the vet will decide whether to continue the treatment or is she now ready to undergo spaying procedure. I am a bit sad about this all, cause she was suffering and I had no idea why is she so anxious, nervous and aggressive. This is my fist female dog. Fortunately, medicine is now helping, she is so much calmer now. Nonetheless, she still has small appetite and she does not want to enjoy long walks. Below I also post a film from youtube, where a vet actually clarifies why false pregnancy occurs in female dogs. This is a remnant from the times when dogs lived in a pack of wolves and all the female dogs where taking care of "alpha" female dog's offsprings. In this way, this biological mechanism allowed for the survival of wolf herd. Clever, as it was, not it creates only problems for dogs. Actually my dog has had milk, and treated her toys as little puppies. Symptoms of flase pregnancy:
  • Behavioral changes
  • Non-pregnant female dog may show symptoms of mothering activity, nesting, and self-nursing
  • Restlessness
  • Abdominal distention
  • Enlargement of mammary glandsi
  • Vomiting
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite (anorexia)
  • Brownish watery fluid or water secretion from the mammary glands
Fortunately, my dog did not vomit. But the other symptoms were visible. http://animal.discovery.com/pets/how-to-tell-if-dog-having-false-pregnancy.htm
False pregnancies occur six to 12 weeks after a dog has been in heat. False pregnancies generally last up to three weeks, and during this period, the dog's hormones are the same as they would be if she were pregnant. If your dog's symptoms persist beyond three weeks, it's probably best to have her seen by a veterinarian. The vet will carefully examine your dog, and might perform some blood tests and diagnostic imaging before making a final diagnosis. Pseudocyesis normally goes away by itself. However, your veterinarian may advise you to limit your pet's food or water intake as a way of decreasing her milk production. On rare occasions, the vet may prescribe medication to help relieve your dog's symptoms
False or phantom pregnancy (also called pseudocyesis) occurs in an estimated 60 percent of female dogs that have not been spayed.
