Happy New Year !

Hi, I wish you all a happy New Year! My favourite quote abou New Years Eve ;-) “Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” ― Brad Paisley This is the first New Years Eve of my dog - she stayed with my father for this night, I know she is afraid of fireworks and loud music :-( and my neighbours include mostly young people who party hard! I hope you protect your dogs today cause dogs are very senstive and are afraid of loud noises. This year defintely was a nice year for me cause of Pippi :-) I have spent nice time with her, and I am happy I have a pet which now is a member of family. Yorkies are not an easy breed to take care of. I must admit that before I had my Yorkie I used to think that because Yorkies are small they do not need so much care. The truth is they really need much attentiom! They are very sociable and energetic. May you and your Yorkies have a good and happy New Year Kisses
